Thursday, September 24, 2009

I Want! I Want! I Want!

I've been having a lot of I want/need things. I'm putting those together, want and need, even though they are separate, because often when you want something bad enough it can seem like a need. Really I only need food and shelter and a new Iphone. Okay, maybe the last one is just a want, but it's not fair everybody else has one, I want one too! I don't know what my deal has been lately, but I seem to have the need to single handedly try to restart the economy. I think it started a couple of months ago, first our camera, and then our video camera broke within a week of each other. As a parent of two darling children, it is an absolute requirement of society that I be able to reproduce images of said children to share with the world. So I guess those really were needs. Then I had to get on Amazon to do some birthday shopping for a friend. A long standing problem I have is my addiction to purchasing DVD's (see pic) and now Blue-ray discs (it used to be cd's too, but ITunes fixed that). I have hundreds, and I rarely get to watch ones that aren't kid related, and yet I compulsively have to buy them. To my credit, I come by it naturally, my dad is actually worse than me, you should see how many movies he brings home, I at least try to be somewhat selective. So once on Amazon, I couldn't help but shop their disc sales and get myself a few presents too, definitely a need. While on there I browsed around and found all the new upcoming video games. I almost had myself convinced that I needed Beatles Rock Band, but 4 Guitar Hero games that I hadn't played in months and no place to put the drum set convinced me otherwise (but if I bought Guitar Hero 5, I could get Guitar Hero Van Halen for free, so very tempting!). While doing all this Internet browsing it was becoming quite apparent we needed a new computer, it didn't help when my brother informed me his phone had a faster processor in it. By computer standards, our pc is ancient, it's older than both our children combined, and doesn't seem to understand these new fangled websites everyone keeps coming up with. It's response time, once fast, now reminds me of when I used to log onto Prodigy at work and it would take 3 minutes just to open a page. This was most definitely a need, J concurred, and I am anxiously awaiting it's arrival. I almost needed to go the Green Day concert, but it ended up just wanting that, and needing to go the Pearl Jam show next week. At other times recently I've wanted new couches for the basement, a laptop, the NFL Sunday Ticket, a 3 wood, a puppy, and a Prius, but so far none have proved to be needs. As a family we did need a vacation, so we planned and booked a trip to Disneyland. I keep feeling like Steve Martin in the Jerk when he is breaking up with a woman and says that he's fine because all he needs is this lamp....except for this tennis racket.... and this thermos. I keep thinking this is all I need, except for that shiny new IPhone, no really, I need it! My old phone is kind of coming apart (see pic), and I won't have to buy a golf GPS, because there is an app for that, and I can track my fantasy football on it too, and FB, and my blog. See I really do need one!!

1 comment:

  1. To quote the illustrious Homer Simpson, "Posessions are fleeting." Except maybe the Iphone-that shit rocks.
